Plants in Kazakhstan
Plants in Kazakhstan. 7 класс
Aims of the lesson: - to introduce and fix the new topical vocabulary;
- to develop reading and speaking skills;
- upbringing of the respectful attitude towards the nature;
- forming of the positive motivation toward the studying of English.
Күтілетін нәтиже: Оқушылар сыни тұрғыдан ойлана отырып сабақтың тақырыбын ашып, жаңа сөздерді меңгереді, топтық жұмыс арқылы оқыған мәтін бойынша кесте толтырып, «Дұрыс\Бұрыс» әдісі арқылы түсініктерін тексереді, сұрақтарға жауап береді. Сұхбат жүргізеді. «Автор орындығында» өзінің тақырып бойынша ойымен бөліседі.
Equipment: slide presentation “Typical Kazakhstan plants”, Интерактивті тақта, маркер, смайликтер, бағалау парақшалары
Procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment:
a) greeting: Good morning boys and girls. Sit down please. Who is on duty today? What, s the date today? Who is absent?
At first we must divide into two groups. 1group is – rose, 2group is – daisy
b) Phonetic drill: Т: Let’s begin our lesson with the poem about the world around us. Look around and you will see:
Berries, flowers, bushes, trees,
Mountains are very high,
Birds are flying in the sky.
You can swim in the sea.
You can climb different trees.
All around us is nature,
Full of wonders and adventures.
c) Checking of the h\w:
Children what did we talk about at our last lesson?
What was your home task for today?
I hope you are ready with your home task. I am going to ask you some questions.
- Do you like animals?
- What kind of wild animals do you know?
- What kind of domestic animals do you know?
- Have you got any pets at home?
- What is your favourite animal? Now speak about your favourite animal.
Matching: Children look at the screen! What are these? Yes, you are right. There are pictures of popular flowers and their English names. Can you match the names to the pictures? Do you know the Kazakh names of the flowers in the pictures? (Slide 3)
Children what will be the theme of our lesson? What will we learn in our lesson today?
Today we shall take the theme “Plants in Kazakhstan”
Realization of meaning:
Listen and read the words on our theme. Tell me, what words do you know? Well, listen to me attentively, then repeat after me. Names of flowers: rose - роза, lily - лалагүл, daisy - түймедақ, sunflower - күнбағыс, lotus - лотос, marigold – барқытгүл, plant - өсімдік, tree - терек, trunk - діңгек, сабақ; leaf - жапырақ, branch - бұтақ, birch - ақ қайың, root - тамыр, bush - тал, шілік, бұта; grass - шөп, tulip - қызғалдақ, snowdrops - бәйшешек, dandelion - бақ - бақ, daisy - дәстүргүл.
Slide presentation of plants in Kazakhstan.
Group work: Reading:
Nature of Kazakhstan – FLORA
Kazakhstan is the largest country in the world. Major part of the country are horizonless steppes, deserts and mountains. Flora of Kazakhstan includes 68 species of trees, 266 species of bushes, 433 species of dwarf bushes, 2598 species of perennial herbs, 849 species of annual herbs. Totally there are 6000 species of plants in Kazakhstan. Nowadays 250 kinds of the plants adapted to the conditions of the desert. Some of these plants are the Black Saxaul, which is a low, woody plant without leaves, used both as fuel and as a forage eaten by sheep and camels.
In the Republic there are about 600 kinds of rare and disappearing plants, and each plants significance is included in the Red Book of the RK. It includes 287 floral. At the end of April, the steppe is covered completely by a carpet of colorful flowers. At the end of May and beginning of June, the grasslands are covered in silver - colored feather grass that moves in the wind like ocean waves. One of the most beautiful and rare flowers are the tulips. These tulips are found only on the Kazakhstan steppe. Without plants, people could not live. We eat plants. We breathe the oxygen that plants produce. We need them for their beauty.
Fill the chart.
The name of the country
Parts of the country
The names of animals
The names of months
Exercise 9 page 62. Children listen to me and repeat the new words after me. Match the translation with the English word.
Exercise 10 page 62 Talk to your partner first then have it as a class.
- Do you have plants at home?
- Do you have indoor plants?
- Do you know that green leaves are very beneficial to your health?
- Do you know that living plants can actually improve the air we breathe?
Exercise 11 page 62 Read the text and find the answers to the questions of exercise10.
Exercise 12 page 63 ‘True or False’
a) Children look at the screen! What do you know about these flowers? Read the chart and complete it.
What colour is it?
Where does it grow?
b) Interview your partner:
- Do you like flowers?
- Do you plant flowers?
- Do you water them?
- What is your favourite flower?
- Do you have a pot flower at home?
- When do people give each other flowers?
- How are the indoor plants beneficial to our health?
- How can living plants improve the air we breathe?
c) speak about your interview.
Reflection: “Автор орындығы”.
Home task: Ex. 8 p. 62 Write about your interview
Conclusion. What was the theme of our lesson? Did you understand it? What was difficult for you? Do you know any Kazakh proverbs about plants? Yes, "Бір тал жұлсаң, он тал ек". You know our presidents programme "Zhasyl el". In summer holidays each of you work in the school flower garden. You water flowers there. It’s very useful for all of us.
Ақтөбе облысы, Мәртөк ауданы,
Сарыжар селосы, Хлебодаровка орта мектебінің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Дуйсалиева Магия Исмагуловна
Aims of the lesson: - to introduce and fix the new topical vocabulary;
- to develop reading and speaking skills;
- upbringing of the respectful attitude towards the nature;
- forming of the positive motivation toward the studying of English.
Күтілетін нәтиже: Оқушылар сыни тұрғыдан ойлана отырып сабақтың тақырыбын ашып, жаңа сөздерді меңгереді, топтық жұмыс арқылы оқыған мәтін бойынша кесте толтырып, «Дұрыс\Бұрыс» әдісі арқылы түсініктерін тексереді, сұрақтарға жауап береді. Сұхбат жүргізеді. «Автор орындығында» өзінің тақырып бойынша ойымен бөліседі.
Equipment: slide presentation “Typical Kazakhstan plants”, Интерактивті тақта, маркер, смайликтер, бағалау парақшалары
Procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment:
a) greeting: Good morning boys and girls. Sit down please. Who is on duty today? What, s the date today? Who is absent?
At first we must divide into two groups. 1group is – rose, 2group is – daisy
b) Phonetic drill: Т: Let’s begin our lesson with the poem about the world around us. Look around and you will see:
Berries, flowers, bushes, trees,
Mountains are very high,
Birds are flying in the sky.
You can swim in the sea.
You can climb different trees.
All around us is nature,
Full of wonders and adventures.
c) Checking of the h\w:
Children what did we talk about at our last lesson?
What was your home task for today?
I hope you are ready with your home task. I am going to ask you some questions.
- Do you like animals?
- What kind of wild animals do you know?
- What kind of domestic animals do you know?
- Have you got any pets at home?
- What is your favourite animal? Now speak about your favourite animal.
Matching: Children look at the screen! What are these? Yes, you are right. There are pictures of popular flowers and their English names. Can you match the names to the pictures? Do you know the Kazakh names of the flowers in the pictures? (Slide 3)
Children what will be the theme of our lesson? What will we learn in our lesson today?
Today we shall take the theme “Plants in Kazakhstan”
Realization of meaning:
Listen and read the words on our theme. Tell me, what words do you know? Well, listen to me attentively, then repeat after me. Names of flowers: rose - роза, lily - лалагүл, daisy - түймедақ, sunflower - күнбағыс, lotus - лотос, marigold – барқытгүл, plant - өсімдік, tree - терек, trunk - діңгек, сабақ; leaf - жапырақ, branch - бұтақ, birch - ақ қайың, root - тамыр, bush - тал, шілік, бұта; grass - шөп, tulip - қызғалдақ, snowdrops - бәйшешек, dandelion - бақ - бақ, daisy - дәстүргүл.
Slide presentation of plants in Kazakhstan.
Group work: Reading:
Nature of Kazakhstan – FLORA
Kazakhstan is the largest country in the world. Major part of the country are horizonless steppes, deserts and mountains. Flora of Kazakhstan includes 68 species of trees, 266 species of bushes, 433 species of dwarf bushes, 2598 species of perennial herbs, 849 species of annual herbs. Totally there are 6000 species of plants in Kazakhstan. Nowadays 250 kinds of the plants adapted to the conditions of the desert. Some of these plants are the Black Saxaul, which is a low, woody plant without leaves, used both as fuel and as a forage eaten by sheep and camels.
In the Republic there are about 600 kinds of rare and disappearing plants, and each plants significance is included in the Red Book of the RK. It includes 287 floral. At the end of April, the steppe is covered completely by a carpet of colorful flowers. At the end of May and beginning of June, the grasslands are covered in silver - colored feather grass that moves in the wind like ocean waves. One of the most beautiful and rare flowers are the tulips. These tulips are found only on the Kazakhstan steppe. Without plants, people could not live. We eat plants. We breathe the oxygen that plants produce. We need them for their beauty.
Fill the chart.
The name of the country
Parts of the country
The names of animals
The names of months
Exercise 9 page 62. Children listen to me and repeat the new words after me. Match the translation with the English word.
Exercise 10 page 62 Talk to your partner first then have it as a class.
- Do you have plants at home?
- Do you have indoor plants?
- Do you know that green leaves are very beneficial to your health?
- Do you know that living plants can actually improve the air we breathe?
Exercise 11 page 62 Read the text and find the answers to the questions of exercise10.
Exercise 12 page 63 ‘True or False’
a) Children look at the screen! What do you know about these flowers? Read the chart and complete it.
What colour is it?
Where does it grow?
b) Interview your partner:
- Do you like flowers?
- Do you plant flowers?
- Do you water them?
- What is your favourite flower?
- Do you have a pot flower at home?
- When do people give each other flowers?
- How are the indoor plants beneficial to our health?
- How can living plants improve the air we breathe?
c) speak about your interview.
Reflection: “Автор орындығы”.
Home task: Ex. 8 p. 62 Write about your interview
Conclusion. What was the theme of our lesson? Did you understand it? What was difficult for you? Do you know any Kazakh proverbs about plants? Yes, "Бір тал жұлсаң, он тал ек". You know our presidents programme "Zhasyl el". In summer holidays each of you work in the school flower garden. You water flowers there. It’s very useful for all of us.
Ақтөбе облысы, Мәртөк ауданы,
Сарыжар селосы, Хлебодаровка орта мектебінің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Дуйсалиева Магия Исмагуловна
Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.
Plants in Kazakhstan растения Казахстана өсімдіктер гүлдер урок английского языка ағылшын тілінен сабақ
Оқи отырыңыз

Days of the week (Апта күндері)
to teach pupils how to make up sentences in Present simple and speak about their everyday habits

Man, beast and domestic аnimals – Адамзат, жабайы жануарлар және үй жануарлары
Жан жануарларға қатысты тұрақты сөз тіркестері

The activity of young people in Kazakhstan
- to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills on the theme; - to develop the pupils’ creative work on the theme “ecology”

Foreign language in our life (Шетел тілі біздің өмірімізде)
Студенттердің шетел тілі пәні бойынша білім деңгейін анықтау, танымдық қабілетін, білім - білік дағдысын, эстетикалық - өнегелік ортасын қалыптастыру, шетел тілі пәніне деген қызығушылығын арттыру.

Save the Nature
Talking about the ecological problems. Learning the new words. To develop students’ communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities. Training in speaking, reading.
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