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The activity of young people in Kazakhstan

24 ақпан 2016, Сәрсенбі
Категориясы: Ағылшын тілі
The theme of the lesson: “The activity of young people in Kazakhstan”
(The lesson is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan)
The objectives:
- to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills on the theme;
- to develop the pupils’ creative work on the theme “ecology”;
- to create their responsibilities for the protection of the environment.
The type of the lesson: presentation lesson
The visual aids: presentation, pictures, pupils’ creative works

The procedure of the lesson:
I. T: Good morning, dear pupils! Pay attention to this poem, please! Read and repeat!
Our country is a land of beauty,
our country is a land of glee.
Many are its rivers and cities
where a man is happy and free.

T: - What about this poem is?
P1: The poem is about our country Kazakhstan.
T:- And what important event is coming this year according to the Republic?
P2: We are going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Independence of our Repulic this year.
T: Nice! And that’s why in honour of this celebration we must learn well and do something useful. Let’s talk about young people in our country and thier life.
Today we are going to say about their activities according to the environment and their support of keeping our nature clean.

II. ( The teacher draws a cluster on the board)
Which words are associated with the word “ecology?”

kill the birds
soil pollution
kill the animals
destroy nature
destroy forests
water pollution
bad food

III. T: Look at the pictures and say what they are about? (Presenting thematic pictures)
answer the questions.
- What is the current situation with the forests/rivers/air?
- What happens in our country?
- What ecological problems are the most important in our region?

P1: Many animals are disappearing nowadays. People cut down trees and many animals lose their homes.
P2: Plants and factories send smoke into the atmosphere. The results are changing of climate and global warming.
P3: We have a problem with dirty air too. People can’t breathe in big cities because the air isn't fresh.
P4: Water is very important for us and without drinkable water we’ll die. Different waste make water dirty. People can’t drink this water and animals die in this water.
P5: People leave rubbish at the seaside too. It is also harmful effect to the environment.

IY. T: Yes, you are quite right. The ecological situation is very serious in our country.
Now I want you to tell me about activities of young people of Kazakhstan. What can you say about it?
P1: We know that in our country it is organized youth group “Zhasyl el”.
P2: And they help to protect the environment in every parts of Kazakhstan.
T: You are quite right. Now just we are going to talk about this group. At first pay attention to the video track. (№1)
Y. New words on the text.
Government – үкімет
Generation - ұрпақ
Improve - жақсарту
Take part – қатысу
Support - қолдау

Y. Reading the text: “The activity of young people in Kazakhstan”
The future and the force of our country is young people. One of the youth organizations are the republican labour groups “Zhasyl el”. They help the government to make ecological cleanliness, to improve an ecological situation and to save the nature of the country. The “Zhasyl el” groups took part in large ecological actions as “Clean World”, “Green Day”, “My green town” and “Green garden”. The group members call others to live in healthy way of life. The participants are leaders of the republican actions against the drugs, in sport tournaments. They will take part in organizing work of Expo 2017 in order to support the exhibition. The members will be active on preparing and carrying out of exhibitions, planting trees, greening the territory. The main purpose of “Zhasyl el” is to bring up the future generations to keep greening of our country and to be healthy and wealthy. Every day, we can make the world cleaner and better. (Video track. (№2)

YI. Match the meanings:
1. The group members call others ….
2. The members will be active on ….
3. The republican labour groups “Zhasyl el” help ….
4. They will take part ….
5. The main purpose of “Zhasy el” is ….

a) planting trees, greening the territory.
b) the government to improve an ecological situation.
c) to bring up the future generations to keep greening of our country.
d) to live in healthy way of life.
e) organizing work of Expo 2017

YII. Complete the sentences:
1. The youth group “Zhasyl el” help … to make ecological cleanliness.
2. They work … an ecological situation.
3. They will … in the organization of Expo 2017.
4. The main purpose of “Zhasy el” to bring up the future ….
5. They will act in order …. the exhibition.

YIII. Grammar: Participles
P1: English verbs have two participles: the present participle (typing, writing) and the past participle (typed, written).
P2: The present participle is formed by adding "ing" to the base form of the verb: flying, playing, running, sleeping, working and expresses active meaning.
The past participle for regular verbs form by adding "ed" to the base form of the verb: moved, played, stopped, typed.
The past participle for irregular verbs form mostly by changing the root of the word: broken, flown, read, slept, sold, taken, written and expresses passive meaning.

Do the grammar task: join two sentences using – ing form. (on the activeboard)
1. The participants help to the international exhibition. They plant the trees and greening the territories.
2. The green technologies will benefit the environment. They create the ecological products.
3. Our schoolchildren support their idea. They take active part at the competition of drawing “My clean town”.
Ex. 1 p. 226 on the text book.

T: Now I want you to express your opinion to the question “How to be friendly to the environment?”
Organize a role play according to the technology “RAFT” (“Role, Audience, Form, Topic”). Divide into groups and choose roles. (scientists, ecologists,.)

Role Card 1
Youth organization №1. You are young scientists. You are making a report at the international conference. Use the following ideas to support your report.
Role Card 2
Youth organization №2. You are student - ecologists. You research different ecological problems in our region. You are asked to describe the situation at the biology lesson at school.
Role Card 3
Youth organization №3. You are a group of young volunteers “Zhasyl el”. You are discussing problems of our polluted environment at the meeting.
I’ll give you five - seven minutes.

Cards: (they can make notes on the posters)
To be friendly to the environment means...
- to keep the country tidy
- to respect the life and work of the countryside
- to take litter home or put rubbish into the bins
- to plant trees and flowers
- to recycle and reuse plastic and glass containers

We must not...
spoil the countryside, damage flowers and trees
pollute water, air, land
catch or hurt birds and animals

We should...
help animals and feed birds
plant and protect trees
save flora and fauna
help rare animals and young plants to survive
keep the environment clean
be in charge of the planet

Reading check. (Listen to the text 2 times and do the task under it)
T: In October there was held the competition of exhibition EXPO 2017 in Astana. The main purpose of the exhibition is to involve young people with disabilities of different ages in public life of the city, opportunity to assert themselves and show their creative skills. In that exhibition young people presented their wonderful robots, spaceships and majestic “green technologies” in the sphere of the theme: “Energy of the Future”. Participants of the exhibition are provided with an opportunity to express their perception of the environment, nature of the native land, education of careful attitude to animals and plants, love to home, school, city, and promote ecological knowledge and healthy lifestyle.
1. There was held the competition of ….
a) Organization
b) Exhibition
c) New technology
2. The main purpose of the exhibition is …..
a) to show creative skills of young people
b) to present the robots
c) to express their opinion
3. Participants are provided with an opportunity ….
a) to support exhibition activity
b) to organize the youth groups
c) to express their perception of the environment

IX. Production
T: What do you think about your activities on protecting our nature in order to support the idea of “Zhasyl el”? Example: We must (not)…
T: Your time is up. Please, you are welcome.
P1: Take care of energy. Example, turn off the light in the room
P2: Start sorting trash! Be at your disposal of waste, and use them as a secondary product.
P3: Buy eco - friendly products! It greatly improve your health.
P4: Walk by feet. Gas is one of the most harmful sources of environmental pollution
P5: We must organize the group of “Zhasyl el” and be active in our town.
P6: And it seemed that our exhibition will be a drop in the ocean. But we have our little help in order to support EXPO 2017.
All together: We want to live in the green world!

Reflection: “Think wane”
Youth group of “Zhasyl el”
Republican, ecological
Organization, exhibition, generation
To plant, to support, to green
Green world

- Did you like the lesson?
- What task was very interesting for you?
- What was easy, difficult?

Now, your home task will be: (choose the task)
1) to make a booklet
2) to write slogans
3) to write topic “My clean yard”

T: Our lesson is over. The famous English writer John Galsworthy said: "If you don`t think about the future you will not have it."
Let`s think about the future. Let`s keep our planet tidy and make it a better place to live in. Let`s save the Earth for ourselves and for our generations!

Орал қаласы, №20 орта мектептің
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Малюкова Гульжихан Шамуратовна

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.
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