Passive Voice. Ырықсыз етіс
Үздік ұстаз бәйгесіне
Қатысатын категория: жоғары сынып ағылшын тілі
"Passive Voice". "Ырықсыз етіс"
Ағылшын тілі 8 сынып
Learning objectives All SWBAT: specify the rules, identify and use present and past forms of the Passive in writing tasks.
Most SWBAT: distinguish active and passive forms of the verb, change active statements to passive and vice versa.
Some SWBAT: use all forms (present, past, progressive, perfect) of the Passive in writing and speaking practice according to the rules.
Beginning (12 min)
Greeting, attendance
Homework check
“Fly Swatter”:
- in 2 groups sts will stand in 2 rows in front of the board, where some of the words from the given text have been written beforehand (or in my case, shown on the active board);
- 2 sts (1 from each gr) will be given a “swatter” each (it can be made of paper), listen to the T reading the text, and having heard one of the words written, swat it.
- The 1st to swat will go at the end of the row, and the 2nd group mate will replace him and continue.
- The first group to have all members swatted, will win.
- Students will read the text
Main Part (30 min)
1. The Velocipede was the 1st bicycle ever built.
2. Bicycles with backrests are slower, but more comfortable.
3. China manufactures about 80 million bicycles a year.
- in pairs or groups of 3, students will find out the examples of passive voice from the text, and come up with the rule.
- Teacher will enlist the rules (usage of the passive voice) to the board in form of the bullet points, by eliciting answers from the students to the questions like:
“When do we use passive?” (When the “doer” (agent) of an action is unknown or not important, OR to emphasize the agent)
“Which tenses of the passive can you find from the text?” (Present simple/continuous/perfect/Future simple; Past simple/perfect)
“Can you give your own examples?”
*Teacher will sum up
- Each of the students will be given a sentence from the text about “Tour de France” with active verbs in brackets;
- asked to imagine that they are reporters who wants to obtain information about “Tour de France”.
- they will have to change the active form of the verb to passive,
- walk around the class, reading their own sentence to all the classmates they meet,
- listen to their sentences and try to remember as many as possible, without writing.
- When time is up, in pairs/groups of 3, students will share the sentences they’ve remembered, putting them in coherently right order.
Ending (3 min)
“Post it”:
- Students will be given 1 sticker each,
- They will have to write 3 things to sum - up the lesson;
- And stick it to the board.
Homework Ex. 4 and 6 on p. 75; Grammar builder 8. 1 on p. 122;
To get prepared for mini - quiz “Grammar Passive”
Астана қаласы,
Есіл ауданы, «Білім – иновация лицейі»
(«Дарынды қыз балаларға арналған
қазақ - түрік лицей - интернаты») КММ - нің
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Бузыкаева Салима Асхатовна
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
Қатысатын категория: жоғары сынып ағылшын тілі
"Passive Voice". "Ырықсыз етіс"
Ағылшын тілі 8 сынып
Learning objectives All SWBAT: specify the rules, identify and use present and past forms of the Passive in writing tasks.
Most SWBAT: distinguish active and passive forms of the verb, change active statements to passive and vice versa.
Some SWBAT: use all forms (present, past, progressive, perfect) of the Passive in writing and speaking practice according to the rules.
Beginning (12 min)
Greeting, attendance
Homework check
“Fly Swatter”:
- in 2 groups sts will stand in 2 rows in front of the board, where some of the words from the given text have been written beforehand (or in my case, shown on the active board);
- 2 sts (1 from each gr) will be given a “swatter” each (it can be made of paper), listen to the T reading the text, and having heard one of the words written, swat it.
- The 1st to swat will go at the end of the row, and the 2nd group mate will replace him and continue.
- The first group to have all members swatted, will win.
- Students will read the text
Main Part (30 min)
1. The Velocipede was the 1st bicycle ever built.
2. Bicycles with backrests are slower, but more comfortable.
3. China manufactures about 80 million bicycles a year.
- in pairs or groups of 3, students will find out the examples of passive voice from the text, and come up with the rule.
- Teacher will enlist the rules (usage of the passive voice) to the board in form of the bullet points, by eliciting answers from the students to the questions like:
“When do we use passive?” (When the “doer” (agent) of an action is unknown or not important, OR to emphasize the agent)
“Which tenses of the passive can you find from the text?” (Present simple/continuous/perfect/Future simple; Past simple/perfect)
“Can you give your own examples?”
*Teacher will sum up
- Each of the students will be given a sentence from the text about “Tour de France” with active verbs in brackets;
- asked to imagine that they are reporters who wants to obtain information about “Tour de France”.
- they will have to change the active form of the verb to passive,
- walk around the class, reading their own sentence to all the classmates they meet,
- listen to their sentences and try to remember as many as possible, without writing.
- When time is up, in pairs/groups of 3, students will share the sentences they’ve remembered, putting them in coherently right order.
Ending (3 min)
“Post it”:
- Students will be given 1 sticker each,
- They will have to write 3 things to sum - up the lesson;
- And stick it to the board.
Homework Ex. 4 and 6 on p. 75; Grammar builder 8. 1 on p. 122;
To get prepared for mini - quiz “Grammar Passive”
Астана қаласы,
Есіл ауданы, «Білім – иновация лицейі»
(«Дарынды қыз балаларға арналған
қазақ - түрік лицей - интернаты») КММ - нің
ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Бузыкаева Салима Асхатовна
Толық нұсқасын жүктеу
Оқи отырыңыз

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